Catalyst 2030 โดย Catalyst 2030 Asia & the Pacific

catalyst 2023

With the enormous challenge that we are facing as one global community as regards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, the need to strengthen the social sector is being amplified. There is a greater call for collaborations and doing away with siloed approaches to allow us to generate and reimagine the impact we want to see in the world.

Catalyst 2030, the global network created by social innovators, is committed to accelerate SDG progress by radically transforming the social sector, advocating for systems change and greater collaborations towards addressing our wicked problems.

If you want to know how this can be possible, join us in any of the upcoming virtual sessions we are organising for Thailand.

Registration Link:

This invitation is extended to entrepreneurs, organizations and allies whose works have had a high social and environmental impact. We look forward to seeing you in the session!

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