Doing Good Index Webinar: Profiling Asia’s Social Sectors: The Path Forward

Doing Good Index Webinar 2020

The Centre for Asian Philanthropy and Society (CAPS) is delighted to introduce the second edition of the Doing Good Index. The Doing Good Index 2020 lays bare the vital role of the social sector and how the right policies and practices can unleash an enormous US$587 billion per year towards meeting societal needs.

Dr. Ruth ShapiroFounder and Chief Executive, and Mehvesh Mumtaz Ahmed, Director of Research at CAPS, will present the key findings of the index and showcase how governments, philanthropists, companies and the social sector can work together for mutual benefit. A Q&A and discussion will follow.

Read the full report HERE.

Register through Eventbrite to receive a link to the webinar 2 days before the seminar here.

In the wake of Covid-19, the public, private, and social sectors must come together to work towards a stronger and more equitable Asia as we build our way out of this crisis. At a time when foreign funding is declining across the region, “Asia for Asia” philanthropy must fill the gap—and the Doing Good Index shows how. It provides a roadmap of the policies and practices that can unleash this capital by aligning incentives around doing good; mitigating the trust deficit; and maximizing private social investment flowing to the social sector.

The Index has increased its coverage from 15 Asian economies in 2018 index to a total of 18: Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. It is based on original data gathered through surveying 2,189 social delivery organizations and interviewing 145 country experts across all 18 economies.

About the Centre for Asian Philanthropy and Society (CAPS)

CAPS is a uniquely Asian, independent action-oriented research and advisory organization committed to maximizing private resources for doing good.

กรกฎาคม 9 @ 11:00
11:00 — 12:30 (1h 30′)

Online Session

Centre for Asian Philanthropy and Society (CAPS)